Saturday, August 3, 2013



  1. WOW!!! I like all them but I love the first one. Great, color, angle, and shadow. To me this pictures is perfect in every way possible. I could see this in a photo gallery somewhere. Amazing work this week.

  2. You certainly have a flare for the artistic and dramatic. The first shots feel more thought out and finished than the last three. They lack setting for context, and her hair and makeup don't seem to flow with her attire. Her slightly annoyed expression does give a sense that you had a somewhat unwilling model who would rather be doing just about anything else at that moment. (I can relate there). The first picture feels the most polished. The off-center framing and high contrast go well with the model's expression, and the roses peaking into frame give a sense of space and place rather than just having a model against a white wall. Nicely done.

    1. Thank you for your input Jen. =) The subject is my daughter and she was more than happy to be my model actually. I asked for serious face and I guess that's what I got! She is a convincing little actress and I let her pick her own wardrobe.

      The ones with the flowers are of me and I'm glad you appreciate the dramatic flair. It's been a big hit on Facebook.

  3. The first one and the two after it are my favorites, they are all fantastic. I have a hard time capturing people, but you seem to gravitate to it naturally, at least your results indicates that you do.

  4. You did really good on these portraits! I like the first and the second photo the best out of them all though. But I think I like the second one better than the first I like the brightness of the background with the yellow flowers and the lighting in the photo.
