Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Haunted (possible photos all unedited)


  1. All I can say is that I can't wait to see this completed. The beginning (before the traveler walks through the door) seems a little off, but maybe you have ideas to flush that out.

    It's not even all there and you have me kinda spooked!

    1. Hey thanks!! I can't wait to finish editing. Some things are really turning out creepy and with each homework assignment, the edits get better. There was so much I didn't understand about Gimp, even after all these years. I'm pretty excited to edit the ghost/monster effects into the photos.

      Ya, these photos are completely out of order. Her entering the home is the opening photo. I have quite a few but those two were my favorites. I hope it makes sense when all is said and done. =)

  2. I can see where you are going with this, and I think it will be an excellent photo story.

    I have been helping to teach a summer camp in video editing this summer and this reminds me of the storyboard and initial shots. Once the students put the entire story together and edited the necessary elements, they had an incredible story. I see this in this collection.

    1. I am hoping to hit all the proper cliches with this one. =) I love horror and now that I understand these Gimp tools better I can do so much more than before.

      A video editing summer camps sound pretty amazing. I wish they had stuff like that when I was younger.

  3. Very cool. I think you have awesome story and I can't wait to see the final project. I love how you have taken a picture and then the next pictures is of the same thing but with a little spookyness. So reminds me of paranormal activity.

    1. Thank you! My reasoning behind the dupes is I will be laying them together like cake to create scary effects. Thank you so much!

  4. this is such a great way to express many personal memories, lots of pictures that are wonderful... looking forward to the photostory

    1. Thank you! I am pretty lucky to have a patient teenager who was willing to play along!
