Saturday, June 1, 2013

Honorable Mention

     I have to thank Mr. Rytlock Brimstone for his participation in my experiment today... Suffice to say, he was not very pleased that his pictures didn't make the cut. In order to soothe hurt feelings, I leave you with these. I have advised Mr. Brimstone that it might be wise that he continue his Tribunal work with the Blood Legion for the good of his people and the Black Citadel. Either that or work in Radio...

(Yes, all of these toys belong to me...)


  1. I like how the character is photographed behind the grass. It makes it look like its life size. The natural lighting made the photos come out very well. I enjoyed the pictures, and very interesting character.

  2. I am loving the last shot in this series. it has good foreground, and background, the face is on the third, and there's a strong implied angle that leads the eye from the bottom left corner, up the flame to his arm, and then finally to his head.
