Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Finer Things

This weeks assignment took some tinkering. Because I did not have a macro lens for the SLR camera I am using I had to play with the tools I do have. For these photos I used the Canon adapter to attach a 7mm extension tube. I tried a few different ones but this ended up being the best option. The longer tubes made it impossible for me to get any distance between the camera and the subject matter. I don't completely understand why, yet. 

Before attaching it I narrowed the aperture all the way down for greater focus and used an outside illumination source to make sure plenty of light was available. I was forced to adjust my focus manually because my Canon lens was now no longer directly attached. I also used a tripod and a small time delay to make sure that there was as little blurring as possible. It took quite of bit of experimentation but I am pretty happy with my first "Macro" photos. There is still some focusing issues, but I suppose I need to work on making my manual focus skills a bit better or just invest in some auto focus extension tubes or even better yet, a Macro lens.

The collage is at the very bottom of the set. I chose a simple collage. I have been using Picasa 3 for a year or so, so it wasn't too foreign to me.

My theme was a ladies closet and jewelry box, mine to be exact. I tried to get textures and color. =)

You can actually see my fingerprint on the large green gem!


  1. the picture that stood for me was the gold lock against the brown. I thought the contrast was good and your photo was clear and sharp. I also thought the variety of the colors made your collage an interesting contrast of shapes, color and texture.

  2. I enjoyed your sparkling collage. I appreciated your photographs all the more as the very first photos I took on macro mode were of my closet of my sparkles. Great minds think alike, However you succeeded and none of my photographs turned out. Kudos to you. I kept saying things like "wow" and "how did you do that?" over and over and over again. I love the beaded gold and black one on the bottom-and are those Mardi Gras beads in there? If they are, you tell me your story and I will tell you mine!

    1. Thank you!

      Unfortunately my bead story is likely not as interesting as yours. I have never been to the real Mardi Gras, just the local one here in Vermont.

  3. Very nice collage. Like you said there are a few very small focus issues, but if you hadn't pointed them out I don't think I would have seen them. I wish Picasa gave us a way to make both sides of the collage the same size images. Oh well...

    What lens did you shoot with? With the extension tube you could probably go without buying a macro lens (though the lack of auto focus kinda stinks).

    1. It's an EFS 18 to 55MM which was purchased separately from the camera, but both are Canon brand. The extension tubes were something found at a thrift shop and I am not sure of the brand on them. =) It's a Canon 20D.

  4. This collage reminds me of a trunk of treasures! You did a very nice job changing the settings to fit each photo.

    Awesome Job!!!
